Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Garden in July

Our garden is growing well. Especially the weeds. We've harvested a few yellow crook-neck squash, which have been delicious. Everything else, we're still waiting on. Above you'll see some candid photos, weeds and all.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Starting to Grow

Thanks to some great starts from my Great Uncle Arvin, and some tomato plants from Marshall's folks, it looks like our garden is already in progress! Some very small sprouted seeds are just beginning to peek through - some broccoli, lettuce, and beets.

From June 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Garden Path

Grass clippings down the center path will hopefully keep the weeds and grass from growing. Marshall found a cute old door for the shed. We've been hoeing like crazy so that we can get our seeds into the ground.

Memorial Weekend

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Freshly Tilled Garden Plot

Marshall attempted to till up our garden with his rototiller, but it was really difficult. We had it tilled up with an excavator instead. Now comes the rock-picking, root-clearing, plotting, and planting. And weeding . . .